Friday 29 December 2023

What is Jacobian of change of variables?

Question: What is Jacobian of change of variables?


In multivariable calculus, the Jacobian of a change of variables is a determinant that represents the local scaling factor of a transformation from one coordinate system to another. It's essential for evaluating multiple integrals after a change of variables.

Here's a breakdown of key concepts:

Change of Variables:

    It involves switching from one set of variables (e.g., x and y) to a new set (e.g., u and v) to simplify a problem.
    This often involves functions like x = g(u, v) and y = h(u, v).

Jacobian Matrix:

    A matrix containing the partial derivatives of the new variables with respect to the original ones: 
| ∂x/∂u ∂x/∂v | 
| ∂y/∂u ∂y/∂v |

Jacobian Determinant:

    The determinant of this matrix, denoted as J(u, v) or ∂(x, y)/∂(u, v).

Role in Integrals:

    When changing variables in a double integral, the Jacobian is used to adjust the area element: 
    ∬f(x, y) dx dy = ∬f(g(u, v), h(u, v)) |J(u, v)| du dv
    It ensures the integral's value remains consistent after the transformation.

Geometric Interpretation:

    The Jacobian's absolute value represents the factor by which a small area element in the u-v plane transforms into a corresponding area element in the x-y plane.

Key Points:

    The Jacobian is a 2x2 determinant for 2D transformations, 3x3 for 3D, and so on.
    If the Jacobian is zero at a point, the transformation might distort or fold space, potentially leading to issues in integration.


    For polar coordinates (x = r cosθ, y = r sinθ), the Jacobian is r. This means a small square in the r-θ plane transforms into a corresponding sector in the x-y plane with area r times larger.

If x and y are two random variables, what is E[xy]?

Question: If x and y are two random variables, what is E[xy]?

If x x and y y are two random variables, the expected value of their product x y xy is given by:

E [ x y ] = i j x i y j P ( X = x i , Y = y j ) E[xy] = \sum_{i}\sum_{j} x_iy_j P(X=x_i, Y=y_j)

In continuous cases, where x x and y y are continuous random variables, this is expressed as an integral:

E [ x y ] = x y f ( x , y ) d x d y E[xy] = \int\int xy f(x, y) \,dx\,dy

where f ( x , y ) f(x, y) is the joint probability density function of x x and y y .

In simpler terms, the expected value of the product of two random variables is found by multiplying each pair of possible values of x x and y y by the probability of that particular combination occurring, and then summing or integrating over all possible pairs.

It's important to note that if x x and y y are independent, then E [ x y ] = E [ x ] E [ y ] E[xy] = E[x] \cdot E[y] . If they are not independent, the expected value of the product is influenced by the covariance between x x and y y , and it can be expressed as:

E [ x y ] = E [ x ] E [ y ] + cov ( x , y ) E[xy] = E[x] \cdot E[y] + \text{cov}(x, y)

where cov ( x , y ) \text{cov}(x, y) is the covariance between x x and y y .

Unit 11 - Confidence intervals (Statistics)

1: Expected value with empirical probabilities


2: Conditions for a confidence interval (z interval) for a proportion


3: Finding the critical value z for a desired confidence level

Tags: Math,Statistics

Saturday 23 December 2023

y = (norm(x))^2. What is the derivative of y wrt x?

y = (norm(x))^2. What is the derivative of y wrt x?

x is a vector and y = euclidean_norm(x). What is the derivative of y wrt x?

Question: x is a vector and y = euclidean_norm(x). What is the derivative of y wrt x?

Ans: What is euclidean_norm
Ans: What is the derivative of 'euclidean_norm of a vector'

y = w.x Where w and x are vectors. What is the derivative of y wrt w?

y = w.x Where w and x are vectors. What is the derivative of y wrt w?

Derivatives of Hyperbolic Functions

Derivative of sinh(x)

Note: sinh'(x) = cosh(x)

Derivative of cosh(x)

Note: cosh'(x) = sinh(x)

Derivative of tanh(x)

An alternative to the logistic sigmoid is the hyperbolic tangent, or tanh function (Figure 1, green curves):

Friday 15 December 2023

Alphabets and Cartoons to Color

A for Apple
Apple मतलब सेब

B for Ball Ball मतलब गेंद
C for Cat Cat मतलब बिल्ली
D for Dog Dog मतलब कुत्ता
E for Elephant Elephant मतलब हाथी
F for Fish Fish मतलब मछली
G for Goat Goat मतलब बकरी
H for Hen Hen मतलब मुर्गी
I for Ice-cream Ice-cream मतलब आइसक्रीम
J for Jug Jug मतलब सुराही
K for Kite Kite मतलब पतंग
L for Lion Lion मतलब शेर
M for Monkey Monkey मतलब बंदर
N for Nest Nest मतलब घोंसला
O for Owl Owl मतलब उल्लू
P for Parrot Parrot मतलब तोता
Q for Queen Queen मतलब रानी
R for Rabbit Rabbit मतलब खरगोश
S for Sun Sun मतलब सूर्य
T for Tiger Tiger मतलब बाघ
U for Umbrella Umbrella मतलब छाता
V for Vegetable Vegetable मतलब सब्जी
W for Water Water मतलब पानी
X for X-mas Tree X-mas Tree मतलब क्रिसमस ट्री
Y for Yellow Yellow मतलब पीला
Z for Zip Zip मतलब ज़िप
Tags: English Lessons,

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